CSP Exam Application Info

The next Remote Invigilated Exam window is March 1-15, 2025 

The Application is currently open and will CLOSE on February 10, 2024 for the Remote Invigilated Exam. 

When filling out your application please make sure you type your name exactly as it shows on your drivers license/government ID, as the proctors will verify your identity with this.

The CSP Remote Invigilated exam is provided online by Prolydian.

The Remote Exam will be offered during a two-week window. You will receive an email from Prolydian with instructions on how to schedule the exam for a convenient time during that two-week period. You will not receive this email until after the application deadline closes.

To help you get started in the application process: here are the forms to print & fill out along with other items you will need to have when applying - all of these items will need to be uploaded during the application process. 

Attestation of Psychometry Supervision and Professional Experience or

Supplemental Attestation of Psychometry Supervision and Professional Experience

Confidentiality Agreement

PDF of your Official School Transcripts

PDF or JPG image of your Government Issued ID (driver's license, passport, etc)

If needed - Accommodation Request

Practice Exam (IF you selected "Yes" to have access) will be available two weeks prior to the CSPe window (for invigilated online) AND In-Person ONLY offered at the NAP conference location): 

  • By being able to login to the Practice Exam I am confirming my computer meets the minimum system requirements (wifi enabled laptop/desktop computer - mobile phones are not compatible);
  • For the Practice Exam and CSP exam - All major "updated" browsers are supported, updated browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. The system does not support outdated browsers such as Internet Explorer. 
    If you are using Internet Explorer or an outdated browser, the system will alert you that some functionality may not be available to you. Please update the browser or install an updated browser before continuing;
  • Two weeks before the exam you will receive an email from support@prolydian.com labeled "Certified Specialist in Psychometry Practice Exam Registration Confirmation." The email states that an account has been created for you on Prolydian. Make sure to check your spam/junk folder if you do not see this in your inbox 2 weeks before the exam. The email also contains an unlock code for the Practice Exam (if you chose to take it);
  • You will have one attempt to complete the Practice Exam;  
  • The Practice Exam will be made available beginning two weeks prior to the CSPe window and remain accessible until the end of the CSPe window. However, you will have only ONE opportunity to access and complete the Practice Exam;
  • Practice Exam results will be emailed to you upon completion. The scores are provided as guidance to highlight areas of concentration for further study, and are NO indication of performance on the CSPe.
  • The In-Person CSP Exam is administered in-person in a classroom-style setting at the NAP conference location once per year. Access to the exam is online using your Wi-Fi-enabled laptop with live proctors. Once you have been checked in for the exam you will receive instructions on how to proceed. Everyone will receive their test code in person at the same time; you will not be able to access the exam until you enter this code.
  • I understand and agree to the following statements:
    1. I will verify my identity by presenting my legal government issued photo identification to proctors upon entry to the CSP exam location.
    2. I will make sure my computer device can hold a 3-hr charge.  If not, I may bring a long extension cord for my laptop, however, exam proctors cannot guarantee I will be seated near an electrical outlet.  I am personally responsible for the safety of others with my extension cord (e.g., trip hazard).  
      • I will NOT be permitted to move to another seat during the exam, nor will I be permitted to set up my extension cord once the exam is in progress.  
      • If I am using an extension cord, and I complete the exam before others, I will leave my cord in place and retrieve the cord after the examination session is finished to prevent disturbing other examinees while they are engaged in the exam.
    3. Disturbing other examinees is cause for being escorted out of the exam and my exam will not be scored.
    4. It is recommended I bring foam-style earplugs as proctors are not always able to control unexpected external noises such as construction, loud adjacent seminars, etc.
    5. I will not wear headphones, earbuds, or any electronic devices in or around the ears during the examination (exceptions: passive foam-style non-electronic noise reducing earplugs and hearing aids, are permitted).
    6. Smart watches are not permitted.
    7. I am permitted to bring 1 bottle of water during the exam.
  • There are NO breaks during the CSP Exam.

Remote Proctored CSP Exam:

The Remote Proctored CSP Exam is an invigilated remote, live proctored exam accessible via the internet administered during a two-week time frame that is published on the BCP website. Once approved to sit for the exam you will receive an email from support@prolydian.com stating that you have been authorized to "schedule" your exam. At this time you will schedule the date & time that fits your schedule to take the exam (within the authorized 2 week window).  Before accessing the exam please remove ALL papers in and around the test-taking space.  The exam-taking space must be free from anything that can be perceived as potential cheating.  No other person, or pets or clutter can be in the exam-taking space.  A fully functional webcam is required in order to scan your exam space 360 degrees.  If I object to having my exam space scanned, to be recorded, etc., I understand I can alternatively apply for the In-Person CSP Exam.

There are NO breaks during the Remote CSP Exam.

  • Guardian Browser is required for the Invigilated Remote Exam. Download here.
  • Please DO NOT use the Guardian browser for the Practice Exam! The Guardian browser is ONLY for the Remote Exam when you connect to ProctorU.
  • Please check that your system works with the Guardian Browser as soon as you can to prevent any login issues when connecting with a proctor. Once you download the browser you can check the compatibility here: https://support.proctoru.com/hc/en-us/articles/24721724814861-How-to-Test-Your-Equipment
  • Operating System: macOS X 10.13 or higher, Windows 10 or higher. ProctorU does not support Linux or Chrome OS. No Inactivated operating systems will be permitted.
  • Web Camera: Minimum- 640×480 resolution, Recommended- 1280×720 resolution
  • Internet Download Speed: A required upload and download speed of 2Mbps, with 10Mbps preferred
  • RAM: Minimum – 2GB, Recommended- 4GB
  • A Functioning Microphone: Webcams with built in microphones and stand alone microphones supported
  • Not Supported: 
    • Tablets (iPad, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Note, etc.)
    • Mobile (Android, iOS)
    • ARM CPU Architecture
    • Chromebooks
    • Unregistered devices or Inactive Windows system

I understand and agree to the following statements:

  1. I consent that I will be taking the Remote Proctored CSP Exam that this is an invigilated live remote proctored exam where I will be observed as well as recorded capturing both my image, ID and monitor screen sharing during the timed examination1.  
  2. I will take the CSP exam in a private area where I will not be disturbed. ProctorU has been informed this is a "Professional" tagged session so you will need to be seated in a chair, at a standard desk
  3. I understand the proctoring platform reserves the right to not unlock my exam if my device does not meet their system requirements.
  4. I will ensure all system requirements are achieved for the exam.
  5. I will have installed the appropriate Guardian Browser.
  6. Immediately prior to beginning the exam, I will scan my exam-taking space with my webcam for proctors to confirm my space is appropriately secured.  A detachable webcam is recommended, or use the laptop camera. 
  7. I understand and consent to have my exam-taking space scanned with my webcam before (and possibly after) the exam administration. You will need to show the Proctors the front of your computer using the camera on your cell phone - so you may have your cell phone for check-in, but once you have shown the front of your computer, please TURN OFF the PHONE & put it OUT OF REACH!!
  8. I will verify myself that I am indeed the person in the presented identification as part of my presentation of my identification to my webcam including 
    • (a) my unobstructed face; 
    • (b) my current legal, government-issued photo identification.
  9. I understand that there are no breaks once the exam has started and I will remain in camera view at ALL times while taking the exam (up to 150-minutes)2
  10. Throughout the examination I agree to keep my webcam, speakers and microphone on and I will make sure my volume is appropriately adjusted should the proctor need to contact me either via the online chat or online audio call through the exam browser.
  11. During the examination, I will ensure my face is fully visible at all times, and that I will not wear sunglasses, hats/caps, or anything that can obstruct my face from camera view.
  12. My exam-taking space will be clear of all other materials, notes, papers or anything that can be perceived as possible cheating.
  13. I will ensure my exam-taking space is well lit at all times with lighting to show my face.
  14. I will ensure my exam-taking space will be quiet, without noise, as not to distract me.
  15. I will adhere and abide to the instructions by proctors.
  16. I understand proctors have the authority to terminate my examination if I violate exam protocols. 
  17. I am permitted to have 1 bottle of water during the exam.
  18. If your exam freezes, the proctors may instruct you to exit the browser and restart the browser. You will not lose any time from your exam, and you will not lose the spot or question you were on. You most likely will need to go through the security check (proof of ID and room scans) again.
  19. If your wait time for a proctor is taking too long, reach out in the support chat; but also contact via email support@prolydian so they may also assist.

Exam recordings will be deleted once all exam scoring and reviews have been completed and verified or within 6 months.

Failure to remain in camera view can result in the exam being terminated, the exam not being scored, and there is no refund.

I understand and agree that I am NOT permitted to:

  • share my unique exam link with any third party.
  • have any recording devices on my desk or within reach.
  • use a tablet or smart/mobile phone.
  • have any open documents available.
  • have any examination related materials posted in the room.
  • have any unauthorized programs running on my desktop computer/laptop.
  • be connected to a virtual network.
  • have any programs or devices recording in the background running.
  • be connected to more than a single monitor, keyboard or mouse.
  • use a virtual background.
  • wear a watch of any kind.
  • have anything obstructing my face, including sunglasses, hats/caps, bandanas, etc.
  • wear headphones, earbuds, or any electronic devices in or around the ears during the examination (exceptions: passive foam-style non-electronic noise reducing earplugs, and medically necessary hearing aids, are permitted).
  • talk during the examination, except to communicate with the proctor.
  • use any unauthorized materials (such as study guides, cheat sheets, books, paper, calculators, dry erase board, or audio recordings).
  • use any communication or computing devices (such as telephones, mobile phones, calculators, tablets or computers), except the one permitted as necessary for taking the exam.
  • obstruct or intrude in the broadcasting of the video and/or audio stream.
  • communicate with third parties of any kind, including making or receiving phone calls or text messages while the examination is in session – if such a device sounds, or is observed being used, during the exam my exam will be terminated and will not be scored. 

Please remember to turn OFF mobile phones after showing the Proctor your computer screen; then place it out of reach!!!

There are NO breaks during the Remote Proctored CSP Exam.
If I need to use the restroom I will do so prior to beginning the security scans (the available examination time is 150 minutes).

Having technical difficulties including insufficient internet connectivity on my device is not an acceptable reason for reconsideration to take the exam at another time.  

Proctors are not authorized to provide technical support on my device. They are authorized to ensure your device meets their system requirements in order to maintain test security and protect the integrity of the exam.

You may view the most current computer requirements for taking the exam here: https://prolydian.ladesk.com/525946-Test-Taker-FAQs

(Recommend suspending software auto updates the day of the CSP exam.)

If I get disconnected from the internet or lose power, I will login again as soon as possible.  My completed responses are saved and I will resume where I left off upon logging in the countdown clock will also resume at this time.  No additional exam-taking time will be provided.  If I am disconnected from the exam for more than 10 minutes, proctors are authorized to end my examination session.  In the event this takes place, I will not be permitted to complete the examination, my results may not be scored, and I may have to re-apply for a future exam, including application fees

Additional post-exam scans may be required before I have completed the Remote Proctored CSP Exam.

I am not permitted to exit the session until I have submitted my exam answers and I am informed the exam has been completed.  Proctors may also exit me from the exam.

You can watch a video of the examinee experience of taking an exam with ProctorU (Meazure Learning). Your exam will be Live+ proctoring, so a proctor will be on through your entire exam. They do show a whiteboard in their video, but we do NOT allow whiteboards; so if a proctor asks to see your whiteboard simply remind them those are not permitted. There should not be more than a 10 minute wait for a proctor; if you are waiting longer and their chat support is not responding please reach out to support@prolydian.com.  Click to Watch Video


  • Have a healthy breakfast before the exam – but not too heavy as this may cause a paradoxical effect making you drowsy
  • Make sure you have downloaded the Guardian Browser and checked compatibility
  • Prepare identity verification documents. This includes one of the following:
    • Government-issued driver’s license
    • Passport
    • Any Physical Government-Issued Identification Card (must include photo)
  • Make sure your computer is fully charged or plugged in and has an adequate internet connection (preferably greater than 5mbps)
  • Login to your Prolydian account
  • Use the restroom before beginning your exam as you may NOT leave the exam once you begin
  • Read each question and answer it in its entirety
  • Do not read too much into the question – but make sure you understand what is being asked
  • In general, answer ethical questions in terms of protecting the patient
  • There is no penalty for guessing
  • You will have an option to “review” questions/answers before you submit your exam
  • Try restating a question in your own words to better understand what is being asked
  • Answer in terms of how tests should be administered and scored per the manual and not only as they are administered in your setting
  • Try not to second-guess the intent of the question – the item was written by a psychometrist just like you
  • Expect there to be questions you do not know. Take your best educated guess on those items
  • There are no “all of the above,” “none of the above,” or True/False answer choices – only 4 choices
  • On long questions, read the answers first
  • Take the full time available if needed. The time remaining for your exam will be displayed in the upper corner of your screen during the exam
  • Keep hydrated. Bottled water is allowed during your exam
  • Be sure to read the rules about what is/is not allowed in the testing room. You are not allowed to have any paper (including blank paper), books, phones, smart watches, rulers, calculators, whiteboards/dry erase boards, pens or pencils in your testing space. This will be checked prior to you being allowed to begin the exam
  • If you are found to be in violation of any exam taking rules, your exam could be ended by the proctor and your test scores will be voided without refund


As a condition of being permitted to take the Certified Specialist in Psychometry (CSP) examination, I agree that I will not: (i) copy, attempt to copy, or retain examination questions, answers, or other confidential examination materials in any form or by any means; or (ii) transmit or disclose examination questions, answers, or other confidential examination materials in any form or by any means to any other person or organization. I acknowledge and agree that: (i) the contents of the examination are the exclusive and confidential property of the Board of Certified Psychometrists Inc., a Virginia nonstock corporation (BCP) and protected under copyright law; and (ii) the BCP has invested significant resources in developing and administering the CSP examination and must carefully protect and preserve the confidentiality of examination questions and materials. I hereby acknowledge and agree that violation of any of these provisions will cause irreparable harm to the BCP for which monetary remedies may be inadequate, and that the BCP shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to take all appropriate actions to remedy or prevent such disclosure or misuse, including obtaining injunctive relief. In addition, violators will be automatically disqualified from the exam without reimbursement of fee, ability to appeal, and may not sit for the exam for a period of 5 years from the date of the violation. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia without regard to conflicts of law principles to the contrary.

Click Here to go directly to the Application in a new window (only available when applications are being accepted).

If you prefer to fill out the form manually & snail mail it. Please email: cspexamapplication@psychometristcertification.com & ask for the PDF application to be emailed to you.

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