Downloadable version (updated 5/16/2024)


of the



Name / Location and Purposes


Section 1.01 Name. The name of the organization is Board of Certified Psychometrists, Inc.


Section 1.02 Purpose. The Board of Certified Psychometrists, Inc. (aka: Board of Certified Psychometrists and BCP) provides Board level certification for the profession of psychometry. By successfully completing a rigorous and comprehensive examination, Board Certified Specialists in Psychometry demonstrate the knowledge, experience, and ongoing education to administer and score psychometric measures, thereby setting the gold standard on which clinicians rely. We are dedicated to promoting and protecting the value of the Specialist in Psychometry Certification.



Section 2.01 Classes. There shall be three classes of members: Executive Board, (also known as Executive Board Officers), Individual Board Members and Volunteers to the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

2.01 A. The Executive Board will consist of:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, CoTreasurer, Secretary and Co-Secretary who have met all the qualifications for membership as outlined in Section 2.02 and have served as Individual Board Members for no less than one (1) year when practical and may be changed by resolution of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

2.01 B. Individual Board Members are those who meet all of the qualifications as outlined in Section 2.02.

2.01 C. Volunteers of the Board of Certified Psychometrists are individuals who meet the qualifications “a” through “d,” as outlined in Section 2.02, but cannot fulfill the time requirement of qualifications “e and f.” Volunteers will be active (“active” is determined by the committee chair) on one committee. Volunteers will have a vital role in their committee, when called upon/needed by that committee. Volunteers will not be official Board Members and as such will not have voting privileges.  They will not attend meetings, unless asked to by the BCP.


Section 2.02 Qualifications. In order to qualify for membership as an Executive or Individual Member of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, providing the Board of Certified Psychometrists is not at its capacity, the member must meet the following criteria:

a.  be a current Certified Specialist in Psychometry (CSP) in good standing,

b.  support the mission and purposes of the organization,

c.  has read and agreed to, by signing, the confidentiality agreement, and

d.  be approved by at least two thirds (2/3) or sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Board of Certified Psychometrists,

e.  will be present in at least two thirds (2/3) or sixty-seven percent (67%) of all monthly BCP business teleconferences/meetings,

f.  will be active on at least two (2) committees (“active” is determined by the committee chair.)


Section 2.03 Number of Members. The number of Executive and Individual members of the Board of Certified Psychometrists will consist of no less than eight (8) and not exceed more than thirty (30) members when practical and may be changed by resolution of the Board of Certified Psychometrists. 


Section 2.04 Participation. All members are required to participate in at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of all meetings and be active on at least two (2) committees.


Section 2.05 Dues. Dues for this membership have been waived as part of the demanding mandatory expectations of participation.  


Section 2.06 Paid Staff. The Board of Certified Psychometrists may hire such paid staff as they deem proper and necessary for the operations of the Board of Certified Psychometrists with approval of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and/or the Executive Committee. The powers and duties of the paid staff shall be assigned by the Executive Board.


Section 2.07 Termination of Membership. The Executive Board, by affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, may suspend or expel a member, and may, by a majority vote of those present at any regularly constituted meeting, terminate the membership of any member who becomes ineligible for membership, or suspend or expel any member who does not adhere to the mandatory requirements of participation.

Section 2.07 A. Appeals of Termination.  May be made within 15 days of being terminated, by sending an email to a member of the Executive Committee.


Section 2.08 Resignation. Any member may resign by filing a written, via postal service or email, resignation with the Secretary or any other member of the Executive Committee.


Section 2.09 Leave of Absence. Any member may request a leave of absence by writing a letter to the Executive Committee. It will be discussed by the Executive Committee and a determination of eligibility and time frame will be made. The time frame will be no more than 6 months, depending on the circumstances.  If the leave of absence involves an officer position, the position may be filled by an interim officer, or the position may need to be filled (as in the position of President or Vice President) and an Individual Board Member status offered to the member on leave when they return. The leave of absence may be extended one time by the same procedure. The reason for the leave of absence does not have to be shared with the rest of the Board, just the decision as to whether it is approved or not. During the leave of absence, the member will not count towards the quorum needed for voting.  He/she will still receive agendas and minutes but will not be allowed to vote on any motions.


Section 2.10 Emeritus Membership.  An Emeritus Board Member is a retired BCP member who continues to serve on the Board in a non-voting capacity. They are no longer voting members but can still attend meetings, offer advice, and support, and otherwise contribute to the BCP's mission/success.  As they are ineligible to vote, they are also not counted when establishing a quorum.



Section 3.01 Meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists. The BCP business meeting shall be held monthly at a convenient date and time for a quorum (see section 3.05) of Board of Certified Psychometrists’ members to assemble. Other BCP meetings may also be called by an Executive Board Officer or Committee Chairperson or at the request of at least twenty percent (20%) of the members by mail, telephone/text, or e-mail notice to each member not less than five (5) business days before such a meeting.

Section 3.02 Committee Meetings. Committee meetings will occur on an as needed basis with regular monthly telephone or e-mail correspondence when working on a project in correlation with the Board of Certified Psychometrists Annual Schedule. 

Section 3.02 A. Spontaneous Committee Meetings.  Quick, spontaneous committee meetings may be called by an Executive Board Officer, Committee Chairperson or at the request of any two (2) committee members by email, mail, or telephone/text notice to each member of the committee not less than forty-eight (48) hours before such a meeting.

Section 3.03 Special Meetings. Meetings outside the monthly Business Meetings to address an urgent or time-sensitive matter, may be called by any member of the Executive Committee with phone, text, and/or email notice to all members at least one (1) day before the meeting and shall be at such dates, times and places/modalities as the Board of Certified Psychometrists shall determine necessary.  These meetings do not require a quorum, and must consist of at least 3 Board members, including 1 Executive Committee member.

Section 3.04 Participation in Meetings. Members of the Board of Certified Psychometrists may participate in a meeting through the use of a conference telephone number or similar communications equipment, so long as members participating in such meetings can communicate with each other.

Section 3.05 Quorum. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the greater than or equal to two-thirds (2/3) (sixty-seven percent/67%) of the Board of Certified Psychometrists attending in person, by proxy or through teleconferencing (ie: BCP consists of 11 members, at least 8 must be in attendance by person, phone conference or by proxy). All decisions will be by majority vote of those present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. If less than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members (ie: only 7 of the 11 members) are present at said meeting, voting may not take place and a majority of the members present (ie: 4 of the 7 present) may adjourn the meeting without further notice.

Section 3.06 Voting. Each Executive and Individual Board of Certified Psychometrists member shall have one (1) vote. An action may be passed by the Board of Certified Psychometrists members at a meeting through an affirmative vote by a quorum (see section 3.05), or by electronic voting using individual ballots.




Section 4.01 Executive Board Officers. The Executive Board Officers of the Board of Certified Psychometrists shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Co-Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Co-Secretary and such other Officers as the Executive Committee may designate. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of President and Treasurer.

Section 4.02 Authority of Executive Board. The Executive Board serves as the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 4.03 Number of Executive Board Members. The Executive Board shall consist of not less the three (3) members.

Section 4.04 Appointment of Executive Board Officers. The Executive Board of Officers shall be those persons who have been Individual Members of the Board of Certified Pychometrists for no less than one (1) year and elected by the Board of Certified Psychometrists at regular meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists via quorum (see section 3.05); with regard to section 2.01A.

Section 4.05 Terms of Office. Terms of office may be established by the Executive Committee, but shall not exceed two (2) years, with no more than one (1) time rollover each for a two-year period; with the exception of no interested party willing to attain the position and the provision that the Board of Certified Psychometrists by a quorum (see section 3.05) extends the Executive Board Officer’s term.  Additionally, Executive Board Officers will, on a rotation schedule, fill in for any Executive Board Officer (with the exception of the President and Treasurer), who has resigned or has been removed from their position until a successor is duly elected and qualified.  However, if rotation schedule is not feasible then the Executive Board may temporarily appoint an individual to fill the vacant seat, for a ninety- (90)-day trial, with acceptance by the individual, until a successor is duly elected.

Section 4.05 A. Elections. All elections will take place during the July Business Meeting and all materials and records related to the functioning of the office will be turned over to the newly elected Executive Board Officer by the August Business Meeting. The positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer will be up for election in two (2) years following their election, and the Vice President, Co-Secretary, and Co-Treasurer’s positions will be up for election in the succeeding following two years (following their election), allowing for sequential year elections for three of the six Executive Board member positions.  (For instance, the President, Treasurer, and Secretary are up for election in even years, whereas the Vice President, Co-Treasurer and Co-Secretary are up for election in odd years. This will enable the board to have some experienced directors on at all times and the needed number of Executive Officers, thereby fulfilling the requirements of Section 4.03. Number of Executive Board Members:


Election: President, Treasurer, Secretary


Election: V. Pres., Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary


Election: President, Treasurer, Secretary


Election: V. Pres., Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary


Section 4.06 Resignation. Resignations of any one of the Executive Board Officers are effective upon receipt by the Secretary of the Board of Certified Psychometrists of written notification either by postal service or e-mail. Resignation of the Secretary of the Board of Certified Psychometrists will be effective upon receipt by the President of the Board of Certified Psychometrists of written notification either by postal service or e-mail.

Section 4.07 Removal. An Executive Board Officer may be removed by the Board of Certified Psychometrists at a meeting, or by action in writing pursuant to Section 2.07, whenever the Board of Certified Psychometrists deem the best interests of the Board of Certified Psychometrists will be thereby served. Any such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed.

Section 4.08 Duties.

President 4.08 A. President. The President shall be a director of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and will preside at all meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, unless prior arrangements have been made for another Executive Board Officer to fill this responsibility.  The President shall perform all duties attendant to that office, subject to the control of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and shall perform such other duties as on occasion shall be assigned by the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 4.08 B. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall be a director of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and will preside at meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists in the absence of, or request of, the President. The Vice-President shall perform other duties as requested and assigned by the President, subject to the control of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 4.08 C. Secretary. The Secretary shall be a director of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists in the proper books/storage for that purpose. The Secretary shall be accountable for accurate books of all account activities; these shall include an electronic minute book, which shall contain a copy of the monthly minutes and agenda, a copy of the Bylaws, a copy of the Policies and Procedures manual, and a copy of the Code of Ethics for Certified Psychometrists. All records maintained by the Secretary shall be kept with the Secretary of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and at the disposal of the Executive Board within forty-eight (48) hours of request.

Section 4.08 D. Co-Secretary. The Co-Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Certified Psychometrists in the proper books/storage for that purpose when the Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties. The Co-Secretary shall be accountable for the accurate books of all account activities when filling in for the Secretary. All records maintained by the Co-Secretary shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and at the disposal of the Executive Board within forty-eight (48) hours of request.

Section 4.08 E. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be a director of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and shall keep accurate books of accounts of the financial activities and transactions of the Board of Certified Psychometrists. These accounts shall be kept with the Treasurer of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and at the disposal of the Executive Board within forty-eight (48) hours of request. The Treasurer shall work closely with all Executive Board Officers of the Board of Certified Psychometrists to ascertain that appropriate procedures are being followed in the financial affairs of the Board of Certified Psychometrists. In addition, the Treasurer shall also report to the Board of Certified Psychometrists at each regular meeting on the status of the Board of Certified Psychometrists’ finances. The Treasurer shall conduct annual audits and provide this information to the Audit Committee and/or the outside auditor for review. The Treasurer shall provide written documentation to the Board of Certified Psychometrists of each audit. The new Treasurer shall audit the previous Treasurer’s records within thirty (30) days of receiving the treasury records and will provide written documentation to the Board of Certified Psychometrists at the end of that thirty (30) day period.

Section 4.08 F. Co-Treasurer. The Co-Treasurer shall be the second signature on all financial accounts and shall act on the Treasurer’s behalf when the Treasurer is unable to perform his/her duties. The Co-Treasurer shall be accountable for accurate books of all account activities when filling in for the Treasurer. All records maintained by the Co-Treasurer shall be submitted to the Treasurer of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and at the disposal of the Executive Board within forty-eight (48) hours of request.

Section 4.09 Regular Meetings. The Executive Board will hold at least two (2) regular meetings per calendar year.  Meetings shall be at such dates, times and places/modalities as the Executive Board shall determine. 



Section 5.01 Establishment. The Board of Certified Psychometrists may establish Committees to meet the needs of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.


Section 5.02 Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the Board of Certified Psychometrists in the intervals between meetings, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Certified Psychometrists. New offices may be created and filled at any meeting of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.


Section 5.03 Size, Duration, and Responsibilities. The size, duration, and responsibilities of committees shall be established by a quorum (see section 3.05) of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, with the understanding that all committees will consist of an odd number of members, when practical, to avoid stalemate.


Section 5.04 Committee Organization. A committee will consist of a Committee Chairperson elected by the committee and be comprised of members that will contribute fully to the best of their ability.


Section 5.05 Committee Chairs. The Committee Chairperson holds the responsibility for convening meetings and ensuring that communication is upheld within the committee as well as with the Board of Certified Psychometrists membership as a whole. The Committee Chairperson is responsible for collection of all committee members’ comments, concerns and suggestions and compiling them into a comprehensive report that they will present to the Board of Certified

Psychometrists membership at the monthly meetings when applicable. The Committee

Chairperson is also responsible for maintaining a record of committee members’ participation by which the term “active” committee member is determined.


Section 5.06 Practice Analysis.  The certification exam is the primary concern of the BCP, and as such, a practice analysis must be run on a regular basis to keep the exam professional, up-todate, and defensible.  It is the BCP’s responsibility to hold a practice analysis at such dates, times and places/modalities as the BCP shall determine.  This will occur once every five (5) to seven (7) years, with the process and timing reviewed and updated as needed.   



Every member of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, Executive Board or Individual Board Members of the Board of Certified Psychometrists must be indemnified by the Board of Certified Psychometrists against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such members in connection with any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit or proceeding to which he/she may become involved by reason of his/her being or having been a member of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition and exclusive of all other rights with which such members are entitled. 



Section 7.01 Conflict Defined. A conflict of interest exists when the interest or activities of any member of the Board of Certified Psychometrists may be seen as competing with the interest of activities of the Board of Certified Psychometrists; or the member of the Board of Certified Psychometrists derives a financial or other material gain as a result of a direct or indirect relationship.


Section 7.02 Disclosure. Any conflict of interest shall be disclosed to the Board of Certified Psychometrists Executive Committee or membership as a whole by the person who has the conflict. When the conflict relates to a matter requiring action by the member that person shall not participate in the discussion nor vote on the matter, but their presence may be counted if it is necessary in order to achieve the quorum (see section 3.05).



Section 8.01 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Board of Certified Psychometrists shall be January 1 – December 31; however, this may be changed by resolution of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 8.02 Checks, Drafts, Etc. All checks, orders for the payment of money, and obligations, bills of exchange shall be signed or endorsed by such Executive Board Officer or Executive Board Officers of the Board of Certified Psychometrists and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Executive Board Committee or of any committee to which such authority has been delegated by the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 8.03 Deposits and Accounts. All funds of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, not otherwise employed, shall be deposited from time to time in general or special accounts in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Executive Board Committee or any committee to which such authority has been delegated by the Board of Certified Psychometrists may select, to whom such power may from time to time be delegated by the Board of Certified Psychometrists. For the purpose of deposit and for the purpose of collection for that account of the Board of Certified Psychometrists, checks, drafts, and other orders of the Board of Certified Psychometrists may be endorsed, assigned, and delivered on behalf of the Board of Certified Psychometrists by any Executive Board Officer or agent of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 8.04 Reimbursement. Board of Certified Psychometrists members shall serve without compensation with the exception of expenses, incurred in the furtherance of the Board of Certified Psychometrists business, to be reimbursed or paid for upfront with documentation and prior approval by a majority vote of the BCP or as provided for in the pre-approved BCP annual budget. In the event a Board of Certified Psychometrists member shall be offered compensation this must be approved by a quorum (see Section 3.05) of the Board of Certified Psychometrists.

Section 8.05 Investments. The Board of Certified Psychometrists is a non-profit organization and all funds are to be used in the mission and purpose of the organization and/or for reimbursement as stated in 8.04, with regard to the limitations, if any, now imposed or which may hereafter be imposed by law regarding any investments, and which are permitted to organizations exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. 



These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Certified Psychometrists or by a majority consent in writing without a meeting pursuant to Section 3.06, and will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to maintain compliance by the Bylaws/Policies and Procedures Committee. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be sent out with regular Board of Certified Psychometrists announcements and/or ballots.


These Bylaws were approved by majority vote of the Board of Certified Psychometrists on May 30, 2008.


Amended October 2008,

Article VI, Section 4.05

Amended April 2010,

Article II, Section 2.01D

Revised April 2010,

Article II, Section 2.04

Article VI, Section 4.05

Article VI, Section 4.05A

Article VI, Section 4.06

Revised August 2018,

Revised fully April 2024          

Article I, Section 1.02

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