Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
about Certification

Updated 1/15/2024

When is the next CSP exam? 

Please see table below.

Sitting for the In-Person CSP Exam during COVID-19
Please see Exam Handbook page for full details

What are the requirements to sit for the exam?
Your eligibility is dependent upon your level of education completed and number of hours of experience.  For example, many psychometrists have a 4-year college degree.  In such cases, the degree from a regionally accredited institution AND a minimum of 3000 hours of testing, scoring and associated administrative experience under the supervision of a licensed psychologist or neuropsychologist or equivalent is required.

Candidates who meet either of the following criteria are eligible to sit for 
the Certified Specialist in PsychometrySM examination

A Bachelors degree from a regionally accredited college or university and a minimum of 3000 hours of testing, scoring and associated administrative experience earned under the supervision of licensed psychologist or neuropsychologist or equivalent. 


A Masters or Doctoral degree from a regionally accredited college or university with documented course work in a related field and a minimum of 2000 hours of testing, scoring and associated administrative experience earned under the supervision of licensed psychologist or neuropsychologist or equivalent.

A total of 2000 hours is equivalent to one-year of “full-time work experience.”  To qualify, work experience must include substantial time spent in testing, scoring and associated administrative activities performed under the supervision of a licensed psychologist or neuropsychologist or equivalent.  Periods of work that include significant time devoted to tasks unrelated to psychometry do not qualify.  The required hours of qualifying work experience may have been earned at any time during the five (5) year period immediately prior to the date of application.

Eligibility deadline is based on meeting the above criteria by the time you sit for the exam.

Employers are accepting the CSP credential with a BA/BS degree in lieu of a MA degree when hiring psychometrists (see). 

CSP Exam format change:

Starting in 2022 the CSP exam is moving from a paper-and-pencil format to a digital format.  This is a significant administration change while maintaining the same high standards established many years ago.  The BCP is very proud of that fact that the exam is psychometrically robust with a 0.92 reliability.  Many months have been devoted to ensure the transition from paper to digital will preserve exam reliability as well as test taking security.

Exam fee:

The CSP exam fee is $450.00 USD for both In-Person CSP Exam at the NAP conference in June & Remote Proctored CSP Exam.  The application can be found online when registration is open.

When/where will future exams be held?
Subscribe/Unsubscribe for exam updates.                                   

Below are the possible future CSP exam dates - some are in conjunction with the following conferences (subject to change):

Please check the following page for application details and more information about application deadlines: Application Info

Registering for the CSP exam is separate from the NAP conference registration.

2024   2025               
Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - February, Date & Time TBD
NAP/AACN - Scottsdale, AZ - (In-Person Electronic) June 6; check in will begin at 3pm local Arizona time. NAP/AACN - (In-Person Electronic) June 12; Chicago, IL
Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - August 18-31st; Practice Exam available August 3-17th.Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - August, Date & Time TBD
Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - November 17 through Dec 1st.Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - November, Date & Time TBD

Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - February, Date & Time TBD 
NAP/AACN - (In-Person Electronic) June 11; Baltimore, MD
 Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - August, Date & Time TBD
Remote Invigilated Proctored Exam - November, Date & Time TBD 

Exam dates/times subject to change.

How does becoming certified help me?

Increasingly employers are preferring certified psychometrists - especially as a hiring requirement.  Certification gives you an advantage, and more than $7841 compensation increase compared to non-certified psychometrists (source: NAP 2020 compensation survey).  In every occupational field having verifiable credentials sets you apart from the rest of the pack and gives you a leg up on the competition.  Currently, employers are preferring certification while others are requiring certification, more experience &/or greater education - this is common in professions as they mature.  Psychometry is no different.  The question is, do you want that advantage? 

NAP's 2020 Salary Survey showed CSPs earned >$7841 more compared to non-CSP psychometrists - see published article.

*USD = United States Dollar; CAD = Canadian Dollar; SD = Standard Deviation

I work for the federal government (VA, DoD, Army/Navy, etc.), how will obtaining the CSP benefit me?
In the future it appears the federal government may be raising the pay scale from a maximum of a GS-9 to GS-12 for those who hold the CSP credential.

The contracting company in charge of screening applicants for DoD positions in Virginia will ONLY review applications from CSPs - this is expected to become the minimum standard across the nation.

 Starting in 12/2015, the DoD civilian employees can add their CSP credential to their personnel file (DCPDS) via MyBiz+.  The CSP credential will be listed under "Certified Psychometry Specialist" and can easily be searched using "psychometrist" in the search field.

Does my school(s) have to send my official transcript(s) or can I provide a copy?
An official copy from you is acceptable.

Is the CSP exam a "Board" certification?

Yes.  Whether a credential is identified as being "boarded" or not makes no difference - they are the same.  As a CSP you can state you are a "board certified psychometrist" because it is the Board of Certified Psychometrists who confer the CSP credential.  

How much time will I have to complete the exam?

Each examinee will have up to 150-minutes (2.5 hrs) to work on the exam.

What is the exam format? 
120 multiple-choice items.

What is the passing score for the examination?
The passing score is 71% or 86 raw score correct points.  Consistent with standard practice for certification examinations, it was determined using the Angoff Method, a criterion-referenced methodology. You will be notified of your pass or fail by USPS (snail mail) approximately 6-8 weeks after the close of the exam window.

Does the exam measure my ability to do my job?
No.  You are not being certified to do your job, you're being certified in the field of psychometry.  On the exam, the correct answers are based on what psychometrists will know about psychometry not about what you do in your job.  For example, in some instances psychometrists have been directed to score measures a certain way that is actually contrary to what the published manual states.  The exam follows the published manuals not what the psychometrist was instructed to do in their particular lab.  For example, the WAIS-IV manual offers specific guidance on how verbal responses are to be scored when the subject provides both a 1 and 2-point response.  

Are there any other requirements to maintain my certification? 
CSP renewal requirements include successfully completing Continuing Education Units (CEUs).   Every two (2) years all CSPs must obtain a minimum of twenty (20) hours of CEUs, of which at least three (3) hrs of CEUs must be in Ethics.  These CEUs need to be earned in ethics, psychometry, psychological, neuropsychological, neurological or mental health related fields. 

For example, if you attend the NAP Annual Conference you can accrue CEUs.

If you passed the certification exam in 2022, you will not be required to fulfill the CEUs till the end of 2024. (Please note, there are random audits of CSPs.)

Is graduate course work eligible for CEUs?
Yes.  Starting in 2016 the BCP will accept graduate level courses from accredited schools for CEU.  The CEU Committee has developed the policy for accepting those credits - conditions apply.  See CEU Chart for specifics - more details are available for CSPs on the CEUs page.

 Every CSP is required to keep their contact information current on this website.  Failure to do so
may mean reminders to renew may not be forwarded appropriately causing a potential lapse in the credential which may lead to the loss of your CSP certification.


I work only with children; I don't think I should have to be examined on the adult tests. 
All examinees take the same exam.  The information on the exam is specific to psychometry, regardless of the population you work with in your setting.  It is helpful to be familiar with the Wechsler scales for both children and adults.

How long before I hear if I passed?
You will be notified approximately 6-8 weeks after the exam window has closed.

Upon successful completion of the CSP exam, the applicant’s CSP designation will be considered active as of the date of the exam.

Can Canadians take this exam?
Yes, providing all the same requirements are met.  This is true for any English-speaking applicant regardless of where they practice. Your supervision in Canada must be by a certified psychologist or neuropsychologist or equivalent.  (Please note, questions with regard to ethics may include questions involving HIPAA & CMS.)

What is the cost to sit for the exam?
Please refer to the Handbook for current exam rates and related details.

Is the exam available online?
Yes.  One CSP Exam is offered in-person at the NAP conference while others are remote proctored CSP Exams. 

Is there a study guide to help prepare for the exam?
Yes, there is a study guide now available, while the exclusive zoom consultation prior to the NAP conference CSP Exam will offer more specific information about the exam and you can submit questions in advance. 

Every CSP is welcome to contribute to the Study Guide project - if you are interested please contact the Study Guide committee for more information.  CSPs can earn CEUs for their contributions.  Please share your knowledge and experience to this important learning and application tool as part of our profession.

I have not tested very much in the last year or so but I used to work full-time as a psychometrist. With that past experience can I use those years to qualify to sit for the exam?
Yes - please refer to the Handbook for specifics: "Periods of work that include significant time devoted to tasks unrelated to psychometry do not qualify. The required hours of qualifying work experience may have been earned at any time during the five (5) year period immediately prior to the date of application."

Is the certification recognized by organizations such as APA, AACN, NAN and INS?
The Certified Specialist in Psychometry exam (CSPe) has been developed to meet the strict national standards of certifying professional occupations.  The CSPe conforms to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests published jointly by the American Educational Research Association, the National Council for Measurement in Education and APA.  It has been designed and constructed to be consistent with and in compliance with the joint standards.  The CSPe was developed in the same method as other professional credentials such as the EPPP and ABPP.  APA does not approve any examinations.  APA does sponsor a few of its own certification examinations through its own subsidiary organization called the College of Professional Psychology.  NAN does not recognize any certifications or credentialing, either for psychometrists or psychologists.  Neither the EPPP or ABPP are accredited.  The CSP is a Board certification.

Are we responsible for administration/scoring issues only, or will there be any questions regarding interpretation of tests?
No.  Test interpretation is not within the scope of traditional psychometry.  However, you should understand what tests purport to measure.

How much neuroanatomy are we going to be expected to know?
The basics of gross neuroanatomy.  Make sure you are familiar with cognitive functions by lobes. 

How much statistics do I need to know?
You will not need to compute statistical information using formulas (e.g., ANOVA), but you do need to understand the relationships between statistical norms.  Make sure you understand the chart at the end of the Handbook.

As a psychometrist are we responsible to know about APA, NAN, ACA or other Codes of Ethics?

Please refer to both the Code of Ethics for Psychometrists published by the BCP and adopted by NAP.  In addition, it is helpful to review the APA, ACA, NBCC, MSW ethics guidelines - even though they all share a great deal of the same information they often apply well to psychometrists.  

I have worked as a psychometrist for over 20-years including training psychology interns, post-doctoral fellows and other staff on assessment issues.  I have published several articles as the principal author in peer-reviewed journals.  I would like to know if I can be grandfathered-in as an experienced psychometrist?
No.  Everyone is required to meet the same criteria.  There have been several seasoned psychometrists with over 30-yrs experience who also were required to meet the current certification criteria.  There is no grandfathering regardless of years of experience, supervision/training of others, education, publications, etc.  

My facility/employer does not require me to be credentialed, why should I obtain the CSP?

In 3/2011, Cincinnati Children's became the USA's first facility to require the CSP credential for advancement as a psychometrist.  Increasingly facilities and employers are imposing minimum standards for hiring psychometrists - this is the typical trend within professions that a credential is first "preferred" followed by "required."   Psychometrists are reporting their employers are requiring the CSP credential and most prefer psychometrists have a performance-based credential.  Advancement within psychometry also includes the CSP requirement depending on the facility.  Several psychometrists have reported they were hired because having the CSP set them apart from other candidates and were hired because they were able to show they had successfully obtained the CSP credential.  CSPs, as well as f
ederal government psychometrists, may also earn a higher salary with their credential.  Contracting companies hired by the military are requiring psychometrists hold the CSP credential.  See Testimonials page.

I am supervised by two psychologists.  My immediate supervising psychologist is not licensed but their supervisor is, which one should I use in my Attestation document?

The requirement in the Handbook states it has to be a "licensed" psychologist ("certified" in Canada) or equivalent. 

My supervisor(s) has passed away, how can I complete the required supervision attestation?
Please complete Supplemental Attestation of Psychometry Supervision and Professional Experience located in the online application.

With my CSP can I purchase level C qualification test materials?
No.  Level C still requires a licensed PhD qualification.  However, PAR allows level B purchases by CSPs (include copy of your CSP certificate with purchase).  This CSP benefit was arranged by Mike Malek-Ahmadi 
(past NAP President) in 2007 with Bob Smith, PAR CEO.

How can I communicate with other CSPs?
The BCP has set up a Discussion Group for CSPs - login is required.

What is the deadline to renew my CSP and what happens if I miss the deadline?
CSP renewals are on a biennial basis, a 2-year cycle.  For example, if you passed the exam any time in 2022, your renewal deadline is December 31, 2024, and from then on it is due every 2-years by December 31.  There is a penalty for late renewals and those are accepted only through the immediately following February (2 months).  If you have not renewed by March 1st your CSP credential is revoked.  To regain your CSP credential you will need to recertify.  Recertification means you have to start the entire process over and meet the current requirements to sit for and pass the CSP exam.  

I have been a psychometrist for several years.  How many years of experience do you recommend to sit for the exam and how much studying should I commit?
Study Time:  Each psychometrist has to decide how much to study for the exam.  We have heard the range varies a great deal, from none to 6 months.  We cannot say with any certainty what is appropriate for you.  Use the Study Guide to help prepare for the exam.  Please see the tables below for details.

Experience:  There are several who barely had the minimum number of hours experience to sit for the exam and passed - see table below.

Education:  Educational backgrounds also varied - see table below.

We believe one of the reason more are passing the exam in latter years is in part due to the addition of the exam outline in the Handbook assisting examinees in their studying focus. 

The moral:
Studying is as important as is experience.

2005-2023 CSP Education Information

CSP Educational Level



Graduate Degree**



Bachelor’s Degree*






High School Diploma***



Associates Degree***



N = 538

*     - includes BA, BS, & BFA
**   - includes MA, MS, MBA, & M.Ed.
*** - Effective 2007, the initial grace period ended and the minimum educational
         requirement to sit for the CSP Exam is a 4-yr degree from an accredited college
         or university.

Passing Rate within group by Education Level
  2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020** 2021 2022 2023 
Bachelor's Level  70% 65% 67% 60% 91% 50% 69% 82%  78%
 Master's Level  79% 73% 72% 70% 85% 67% 69% 86%  57%
Doctoral Level  100% 100%* NA 100%* 0%* 0%* 100%* NA 100% 
* - Meaningless as there was only one PhD-level examinee.
** - This may have been affected by COVID-19 as there were few examinees who sat for the exams.

Those who reported being a NAP member were 88% more likely to pass the CSP exam.


% Passing Rate of examinees

Exam Reliability

Years of experience by those who passed

Years of experience by those who did not pass

2005 66 na  9.91  7.51
2006 67 0.80 7.2 2.5
2007 67 0.80 9.1 5.2
2008 67 0.80 3.5 2.6
2009 82 0.84 3.4 1.5
2010 85 0.83 2.1 1.7
2011 77 0.90 2.9 2.4
2012 70 0.73 5.1 5.3
2013 83 0.80 4.5 4.3
81 0.86 2.8 1.9
76  0.84  na na
70 0.80  1.92  1.42
2019 84 0.89 3.4 2.7
2020  633 0.93 2.9 2.5
2021 67 0.91 2.1 2.5
2022 83 0.92 2.4 1.8 

1This is a common pattern in credentialing, the more senior professionals tend to sit for the exam in the earlier years.  The number of hours noted by examinees was divided by 2500 as an average.
2There has been an increasing trend for examinees to hold a graduate degree.
3This may have been affected by COVID-19 as there were few examinees who sat for the exams.

 As a comparison, the passing rate for ABCN candidates (for the ABPP credential), is 66% (AACN - Board Certification in Clinical Neuropsychology (2008), Armstrong, K., Beebe, D., Hilsabeck, R., & Kirkwood, M. - pg 43.).  The authors also state that physician's have a similar passing rate for their board exams. 

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