COVID-19 Resources
Protecting Yourself While in the Office
Join The Conversation: CSP Members, click below to join others discussing their tips and ways of working through this COVID-19 time period: | Testing Resources Telehealth Resources – through NAN (National Academy of Neuropsychology, Inc.) is loaded with resources and help for online testing with patients, focused around research headed up by Dr. Munro Cullum, Dr. Kenneth Podell and Dr. Gerard Gioia, whose 2019 presented research can be accessed here: “Taking Neuropsychology Out of the Office.”CNS Vital Signs - is offering you the opportunity to administer up to 20 Remote Tests per month for the next 3 months, at no additional cost to you. If you do not have an account, you can register for an account and then email CNS at support@cnvs.com and ask to be enrolled in the Telehealth Remote Testing Program. Pearson Assessments – is offering free use of some of their test manuals (ie: you have free access to the PPVT via Q-Global) for a limited time during this COVID-19 time of social distancing, even if you’re not a current user of Q-Global (simply have your organization add you to Q-Global as a user. If you do not own Q-Global, you can simply call Pearson’s customer service line (800) 627-7271 and let them know you are in need of the free use of Q-Global during COVID and they will set you up on it free. The INS (International Neuropsychological Association) has a list of resources from around the world on their page, as well as an informative webinar. Tele-Assessment Guidelines The APA (American Psychological Association) has a list of guidelines for testing through this COVID-19 crisis. |